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Most neglected area of small business marketing

Instagram marketing, Meta Ads, Youtube ads, SEO, AI Marketing, Chat bots…etc. 

You name it. You’ve tried all of those marketing channels following every step your Guru told you to do. You’ve tried every marketing tactic you could get your hands on. Every media channel. But you are not seeing any significant results. 

You’ve wasted so much time and money jumping media while the solution to your problem has been right in front of you all along – hiding in plain sight. 

If you are:
Targeting the right audience “Right Market” 
Advertising where they hang out “Right Media” 

Then the problem is not the “Media” but the “Message”. Your marketing message simply doesn’t resonate with your “Market”. 

The message

This is the most neglected piece of marketing in small businesses. Everyone is so caught up in finding the next best “Media”  to use… forgetting the fact that “Media” is only a method of delivering a marketing “Message”. 

If you are tired of jumping from one media to another hoping for a different result that doesn’t change no matter how much money you spend.  

Then start working on your “Message”. You can do this by learning the skill of copy-writing or hiring a professional copywriter to write your marketing messages for you. 

A common misinterpretation with copy-writing is that it’s only for the writing medium… but that’s not true. 
Copy-writing is necessary for all forms of media. 

Copy-writing is necessary for all forms of media.

From Websites, Print, Audio broadcasts, social media, SEO, Video… you name it. 

Copy-writing is the backbone of every piece of marketing media. 

If you want to diagnose your marketing message to find out your marketing bottleneck. Then, 


Grab my “60 Points Copywriting Checklist” to help you craft compelling marketing messages that sets you apart from your competition. 

This helped me overcome writer’s block and streamline my writing process from start to finish. Getting your message across is the most valuable skill in marketing – more valuable than producing videos, building funnels, or running ads. 

[Streamline your copy]